( Village )
Environmental Preservation • Cultural Revitalization • Public Education
The word "Apanish" spelled ('ap anis ) means "Village" in the Chumash Smuwic language
Re-establish and facilitate Chumash traditional villages , land preserves and introduce indigenous land stewardship programs along the Gaviota Coast.

Royal Rancho Dos Pueblos Ranch
Mikiw - Kuyamu Villages
Location: Gaviota Coast 9751 El Camino Real, Santa Barbara, California, 93117
214.00 Acres
Our founding members are direct descendants of the indigenous nobles of California from the Villages along the Gaviota coast. This includes Tuqun, Qasil, Mikiw and Kayumu villages.
Dos Pueblo Ranch and Naples and the entire Gaviota Coast are historically one, inseparable, and imbued with profound spiritual significance to the Chumash people and our family lineage.”
Marissa "Senuie Velez our co founder is one of the direct descendants of Chief Beato Temicucat 1742-1821 from the Chumash Gaviota coastal village of Kuyamu & Mikiw. Today it is know as Dos Pueblos Ranch.
Mikiw and Kuyamu Villages “Dos Pueblos Ranch is where my 6 great grandfather, Chief Beato Temicucat was born along with his clan and generations of my tribal ancestors are buried. This land is sacred, holy ground to me my family and my Chumash relatives.
Marissa Senuie Velez
Apanish Foundation: Co Founder/Cultural Resource Director
Aleqwel Mendoza
Apanish Foundation: Co Founder/Executive Director

Gaviota Chumash Land Preserve

Having have access to the land as caretakers and earth stewards we would introduce our fundamental elements for fauna reproduction and the re-development of primary natural watersheds that will provide much needed nourishment for fauna and floral reproduction. The land reserve will only be utilized for its natural beauty and inspiration, the value of the land has an intrinsic value, it is valuable in itself simply by existing. As stewards/caretakers we will continue these traditions
Marine Endangered Species Reintroduction
Studying the abalone’s favorite foods, the atmospheres that turn them on and put them in the mood to spawn, and their preferred ocean environments. Apanish habitat restoration programs will reintroduce some species along the Gaviota coastline within five years. This may include activities from coordinating the habitat restoration and wildlife introduction for a breeding program to providing funding for a post-doctoral student who is researching wildlife reintroduction techniques.