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Tribal Cultural Landscapes

“…any place in which a relationship, past or present, exists between a spatial area, resource, and an associated group of indigenous people whose cultural practices, beliefs, or identity connects them to that place. A Tribal Cultural Landscape is determined by and known to a culturally related group of indigenous people with relationship to that place” 

Chumash Coastal Villages 

The Alpanish Foundation will be assisting in locating defining and recording Tribal Cultural Landscapes for Resource Preservation and Protection. 

Documenting information on areas of environmental and tribal importance.  Identifying locations and types of significant archaeological and cultural resources is essential to the preservation of one of our most valued treasures the Gaviota Coast. Chumash Original Village Place Names and Locations:   Noqto, Shilimasqshtus (Jalama State Beach), Shisholop( Point Conception , Kashtayit, Onomyo, Shisshuch'i', Qasil (Refugio State Beach) Mikiw and Kuyamu-Dos Peublos Ranch, He'lapunitse ( Tecote Canyon-Barcara Beach Resort, Helo, S'axpilil, Alkash, Heliyik ( Goleta Slough and the wetlands)  Syuktun (Santa Barbara, Burton Mound) Shalawa ( Hammonds meadow) Q'oloq',  Mishopshno ( Carpintera State Beach) , Shuku, Shisholop (Ventura)  

Chumash Coastal Villages 


Understanding locations and types of significant archaeological and cultural resources is essential to our preservation and must be under consideration during all ocean and coastal planning processes.


The goal of this "Tribal Cultural Landscape" initiative/project is to develop a proactive approach to working with outside agencies to identify such areas of tribal significance.


The (TCL) Tribal Cultural Landscape project will produce an approach adaptable by other tribal communities to provide assistance on documenting information on areas of tribal importance, and tribal people a stronger voice during regional planning processes. This project/initiative can help local agencies and stakeholders engage with tribes prior to the proposal of activities that may impact tribal resources and areas. 


Information from this effort will facilitate decision-making practices that consider the importance of these locales, giving tribal communities a stronger voice during regional planning.


This project uses a holistic cultural landscape approach that integrates science with historical, archaeological and traditional knowledge. The resulting tool describes methodologies and best practices for tribes to identify and communicate areas of significance; case studies from the three tribes will demonstrate how to use this tool. This effort will provide transferable, transparent and cost-effective methods for tribes to document places and resources, past and present, significant to their communities and outside agencies, thus enhancing their capability for consultation.


Understanding the types and locations of significant archaeological and cultural resources is essential to their preservation and consideration during the planning process for any and all offshore renewable energy development, coastal and marine spatial planning, and marine protected area (MPA) establishment and management.



The project – Characterizing Tribal Cultural Landscapes – is developing a proactive approach to working with our Native American communities to identify areas of tribal significance that need to be considered in planning processes. Information from this effort will help facilitate decision-making that takes into consideration the importance of these locales, and give tribal communities a more powerful voice during regional energy planning and other marine planning processes. 


The Alpanish Foundation will be adapting the  Tribal Cultural Landscapes methodology and collaborating with NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS), the National Marine Protected Areas Center, the Tribal Historic Preservation Offices of the Yurok Tribe in California, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde in Oregon, and Makah Tribe in Washington, as well as our Chumash Tribal Facilitators and the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation.

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